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Editor's Review:
Friendship is an important thing in life, it’s something that makefriendsonline.com aims to promote, but it can’t quite make up its mind if it’s a dating or a friendship site, and you won’t get very far unless you’re willing to pay a lot for the privilege.
But let’s start on a high because the ethos isn’t a bad one: friendship is good. Makefriendsonline.com has a few features which help build this sense of group cohesion and invites you in to take part, including a message board where you can have in depth discussions or casual chats with other members. They also provide an events board, where activities and upcoming events can be planned. These are pleasant touches which can help you to get in touch with new people and hopefully meet in safe environments later on. But the best things in life are free, aren’t they? You know, love, friendship and compassion. No, not here. To access any of these communal features you must be a paying member, and at almost £25 for one month’s access your potential friendships suddenly take a financial tumble. It’s saddening, really, that at least some of these features couldn’t have been made free, or at least be part of a free trial period.
The restrictions to non-paying members don’t end there, though. They cannot even perform a half-way-decent search, let alone contact a user. You can create a sort of “favourites” list, which makefriendsonline.com calls a “match list” and the site rates your compatibility by analysing your status and what you’re looking for. You can look at the profiles of other users too, though much of the information asked of them seems quite strange and often goes unanswered. Some of the questions are completely pointless, such as “Sense of humor” and “Attitude to stress” – which of us is really going to say “I’ve a terrible sense of humour” and “I get really stressed and am horrible to be around”? The pictures on each profile are also poor quality and though you can still see what people look like, they’re hardly flattering because the site thumbnails them and they end up miniscule. In fact we tried to upload a 2.3megabyte photo and were told that we couldn’t because of the file size.
So what are your chances of getting a date, or even a friend, on makefriendsonline.com? Not very high. Even if you do pay the high rates to get full access to its limited features, many of the profiles are incomplete and it’s unlikely that its million-plus members are all frequent visitors paying for the privilege of friendship.
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